I request you to send the VOs from 17 January, I was sick again (a huge amount of groan,) and again flu - next year I let myself vaccinated and determined not to forget ...
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Mount And Blade Performance Settings
not only for legal questions, but also for legitimacy: What should the position be? = Legitimacy; question i d Sozkritik Great;
Alternative Nobel Prize 9th December 2005 Messenger page 6: Jakob v Uexkuell > Legal Anthropology: sys forms d enslavement u dictation d Designed by crit-oriented Scientific correct orientation u,> discourse i another ethical than d discourse i NGOs Zivilgesellsch <> theoretical scale f succeed od miss ling border Practice links with the concept of justice; procedures: handling d "theoretical weapon" is often sharper than with ethical standards; Photo: dead fish i Amazonia, chemical accidents
criticism of conditions: Ecology u Economy> Rechtsanthro asks for specific procedures and practices, id participate in all affected include procedural Questions - Justice u legitimacy in the form v consent;
Important terms
• legality
• Volkssouveraenitaet
• democratic theory
• Procedural reconstruction
• Practice / actors: Perspective, d to d action AREA OF Why is it z a best practice? Communication theory;
• Rule of Law / Rule of Law: best i community governed law, not individuals, d highest institutions CTRL and thus d implementation d right CTRL; aspects d Rule of Law I, more precisely, incongruities
• customs: prolonged exercise u sense of justice> in AT eg: a very long time existing i sense of justice, which "belongs to", and sense of justice (opinio iuris), in AT room f customary law very closely in the continental european Rechtsverstaendnis, very imprecise u suggest something that does not exist, namely a static law, as in the Austrian law ; so-called customary law is changed permanently outside Europe: daily affair, rather something dynamic essence, tradition: AT = lasts forever, rather negative, not dynamic; Anthro = permanent transfer so u changed permanently; traditional wants very much Weiterggbns Change customer
Praxeological legal history
praxeology: question of how? As i happens in practice? Zb Maroons, Volume 1: Praxeological legal history, what i would, for example Aben (g)? Convey speaks a language, info, danger, quasi Kotoko where beka me: Legal Transfer v West Africa (Akan) id Caribbean (Maroons) = legal community of the Gesellsch W i - u Africa Caribbean, How it possible i, d law constituted? A: habitus; servitude: man inside i d fall back inland plantations to the known, dynamic, not replica, but is based on Terms of u soz habit, although physically completely naked;
Kotoko where beka me : pacifism in defense readiness Azante: produce PRINCIPLE, peacefulness, but ready to Verteidigng, not every government functions according to Constitution - Ideal as a measure f soz reality: crit reconstruct scale, ideals
porcupine ". Kaempfe v your death, if this is unavoidable" or "at the position of the spines can be read off the fight." Pp 18, 19 Volume 1: Reference collective memory;
porcupine ". Kaempfe v your death, if this is unavoidable" or "at the position of the spines can be read off the fight." Pp 18, 19 Volume 1: Reference collective memory;
Historical Anthropology and History:
discovery of concealment = history history adjusted i understanding, ethno-u € centric, va rationality covered: laws u rules have been adjusted with the "noble savage" or "man-eaters" that involve therefore always historical perspective: Question d genesis d law u as it developed habit: in the pattern, d to see action are, therefore, observe practice, Zusammgehoerigkeit / ethnicity, structural changes, spawning v history, DIY v History: engendering, aspect: engendering green men, therefore, receives a further perspective;
Historical reconstruction: the culture of origin Include - Afrikan so f Vorstellngn Maroons also important, so i go back HABITUS, the structure criteria, not the form of criteria: stripped, humiliated, abused - i go back habitus steps!
peace treaty
• difference betw contract ($ text) and ratification of the Law of 12 May 1739, vol 1: pp. 241-279; eg Kyoto Protocol: many signatories have not adopted as law, domestically thus not ratified Vertragstxtxe often different ratification Legislation! eg USA: territories i ratification laws falsified by preamble! = Changed legalistic context by Preamble, Maroons also like: •
Gesetzestxte as narration: so called articles of pacification (Bd 1, 241 ff): "pacification" in contract, tore diskurstheor i DDr. Zips book ratio d Unterordng, sovereignty d KoloMacht, PostKoloMacht (= superpowers);
• submission agreement is to be euphemistically glossed consonant to reason (Maroons had brought about good results);
• significance of blood treaties: Voluntary u indistinguishability, equivalence;
• dishonesty many Koloregierungen: spurious v Legitmitaet
• Peace Treaty : territorial sovereignty: Country / Area self-administered, power of jurisdiction: a voice, judizieren, political self-determination: u law policy can not be separated, as they are i Beziehng each other? Field / field concept: symbolic capital gain Beziehngsverhaeltnis zw things: participation, Distribution and field in Bez to others;
• porcupine GB: If you are the big tree ...
Brazil, Surinam, USA, Mexico, etc. Maroongesellsch: Image> Resistance Kolomacht gg, Jose Nadi / Cuba;
Peace Caves : still bottle of rum as a sacrifice for Kojo
Abeng / Bugle : legal community - communication over periods of time, ancestors to GesellschaftsgruenderIn to: Mother d Koenigs - Abeng symbolizes source d Terms of Community,
Mango Tree: Council of d elders
Kromanti Law
• Law hold As i ruled this long period indeed? > Resources d legitimation i strukturgeschichtl See zw Akan u Maroons:
Asetenakese = D large-together d Asante: Evidence for discursive unification u design processes
• Aman mmu and aman bre - unumstaessliches and mutable law at the Asante; amman mmu : ggbn given right around 1700 v a priest, 77 Gestze f Zusammgehoerigkeit d Asante; amman bre = veraenderl right
• Unveraenderl u normalizable aspects d 'Maroonrechts "were principle d legal community, circa 1700> as many as slaves, integrity d gemeinschaftl Land Law also Maroons unveraenderl law: land law commonality d u that right i invulnerable; land containing bones of the ancestors: loss d awareness u existence, when d land is sold, rain forest: collecting, planting, symbolic geography of certain places: Relationship to Rechtsgesch d Maroons> pp 47-130, 140
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