Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Strawberry Perl Imager Jpeg

Control Dot Net (C #): Drag & Drop

drop files / folders:

first Preparation:

"AllowDrop" property set and log 2 Events:

  1:   public  MainForm () 
  2:  {
  3:  InitializeComponent (); 
  4:   this  textboxDir.AllowDrop.   = true; 
  5:   this  textboxDir.DragOver + = new   DragEventHandler (textboxDir_DragOver); 
  6.   this  textboxDir.DragDrop + = new   DragEventHandler (textboxDir_DragDrop). ; 

second Drag Over Event:

check data format and DragDropEffects contact: (object sender

, DragEventArgs e)
 textboxDir_DragOver    2::    
  a  {
   3:          if   (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop)) 
      4:        { 
      5:            e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; 
      6:        } 
      7:    } 

3. Drag-Drop-Event:

Drop auswerten:

      1:      void   textboxDir_DragDrop(  object   sender, DragEventArgs e) 
      2:    { 
      3:          if   (e.Effect == DragDropEffects.Move)   // if move   
  4: { 
  5:   if  (e.Data.GetDataPresent (DataFormats.FileDrop))  / / if FileDrop  
  6: { 
  7:   string  [] dirName = (  string []) e.Data.GetData (DataFormats.FileDrop); 
  8:   if  (dirNames.Length.Equals (1))  / / if just one file  
  9: { 
  10:   if  (MSUtils.FileUtil.dirExists (dirname [0])) 
  11: {. 
  12:   this  textboxDir.Text = dirName [0]; 
 } 14:}  
 } 17:}  

Monday, June 16, 2008

Does Teeth Brightening Gel Expire

Opera 9.5 and public Acid3 build

The Opera browser was released on 06/12/2008 in Version 9.5. This version brings many new features with it:
  • Extended Validation SSL Certificates
  • address bar with better proposals for already visited pages
  • better support for Web standards (JavaScript, CSS, SVG, MathML)
  • Opera Link (synchronization of bookmarks and Co.)
  • new skin (skin old but still available)
  • faster Render
  • smooth scrolling
  • new developer tools
Opera 9.5 is available for download in more than 25 languages: http://www.opera.com/download/

in Acid3 test This version provides about 85 points. A public build that creates 100 points in the Acid3 test is here to see: http://labs.opera.com/news/2008/03/28/

I have ventured to a small browser comparison in terms of the (charge) speed. And I was using Internet Explorer, versions 6 and 7, Firefox, versions 2.0 and 3.0 (RC3) and Opera in the version 9.27 and 9.5.

The result:

invites this Opera version 9.5 of the 8 selected websites in 75 seconds (compared to 101's IE7 and 93s Firefox 3 ). The test considers the reload a Web page and to load them from the cache. It was Opera 9.5 in no case the slowest browser. change