Monday, December 22, 2008

Bankruptcy Driver's License Bc

university location Waldeck-Frankenberg - Sounds weird, is' but so ...

Granted, it sounds a bit skuril for a local, that may soon be the students and professors in the Waldeck-Frankenberg country stream. But that's what could happen soon if the ambitious project of the outgoing district administrator would be implemented. This had put the idea into play, "University Waldeck -Frankenberg to form ", which, with the BA engverwoben Northern Hesse and the woodworking school to be Bad Wildungen, a further enrichment in the local education landscape.
Let us consider the project but once up close. The plan is to establish a private university in the county in a joint ownership between the public and private companies. It should be a model and pilot function for future development of higher education in Hessen and offer educational opportunities within the region for young people from the region. The structure of courses with an international focus is to take place in close coordination with the regional economy, and the locally based service providers. Currently, studies in the fields of forestry, sustainable construction and planned energy efficiency, healthcare and business law. The district supports the sustainable university with funding from the proceeds of the Future Fund. Provided up to 1.2 million € per year as investment in education.

But how is the current situation? All factions of the District of Waldeck-Frankenberg have unanimously welcomed the meeting in September 2008, the creation of a technical high school in Waldeck-Frankenberg. The proposed close link between future University of the economy and institutions of the health sector and other educational facilities can be co-operating in a decentralized structure appear to be useful. The sites therefore are Bad Wildungen, Korbach and Frankenberg provided. Rooms are available at all three locations for free or at low cost. The necessary equipment for the first courses can be obtained from the proposed baseline October 2010. And it seems as if the conditions are not the worst! Waldeck-Frankenberg and Nord Hessen have a balanced mix of industries in the economy. In addition, tourism and health sector play an important role economically and create a high profile in the region. The more pronounced agriculture developed additional business, and on the market of renewable energy and biomass. And Economy, Trade health and need qualified professionals, including and especially for leadership, so that a potential demand exists for professionals and executives in the region. The lack of higher educational institutions in the region is one of the reasons for the negative demographic trends. In addition, universities with a high gain practical increasingly important to the study at universities and in almost all provinces, the foundation is supported by work-related courses.

The accreditation of courses is already underway and the curricula of individual programs are being written. Sun trigger further soon the Bachelor degree programs could start in business administration, international economics, industrial engineering, civil engineering and mechatronics. For subsequent years, then further studies such as economic and administrative law, social work / social work, translation and interpretation, medical assistant jobs, computer science with computer science industry, plastics, energy, and Environment and Sustainability Management (ESM) is planned. By the end of the Hessian Ministry of Science to the design of an application to be submitted to institutional accreditation.

The nursery scheme provides that at the baseline (probably 2010), about 80 students are enrolled. An annual growth rate of around 100 students will be sought to populate so that after five years some 500 students to campus. The teaching staff should grow accordingly, so that is planned for five years about 20 professors. But we do
financial planning once again take a closer look. According to current well-paid tuition fees will be € 4,800 per year. Of those, however, are about 30-40% receive scholarships. The district will participate in the initial capital investment and the state of Hesse is both an investment-help in the initial phase, and a co-financing by the Hesse Higher Education Act expected. In addition, at least four endowed chairs to be raised.

Liberals in Waldeck-Frankenberg, the university plans to support any event, as FDPKreistagsfraktionsvorsitzende Adolf Graf said in his recent budget speech: "The plans to establish a university in Waldeck-Frankenberg and the intended budget estimate of 1.2 million € (possibly with lock flag) by us supported and endorsed. With a university in our county, we can manage the migration of young people in the urban areas to stop and retain students from even further afield in our region. We also believe that can be won with a university high synergy effects for the domestic economy. It presupposes, however, that the country, this project fully supports and promotes this as the prime minister has promised. After 1/18/2009, the talks will continue with the state government, and we expect that after 18 January 2009 with the new government a strong support from the State of Hesse can be reached in order to create the conditions for a university Waldeck-Frankenberg. "

And the international aspect is taken into account in planning. Already, there is an exchange of information with the partner region Burgenland in Austria and the local technical college, with their locations in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld the courses in business (with emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe), information technology and management, energy and environmental management and health offers. It remains: The university would be an asset to the region and strengthen the training location Waldeck-Frankenberg. And also convinced the concept behind it. Now it remains to be seen how the whole thing developed and whether the offer is accepted by the prospective students. To hope is to be made so that the ambitious plans not a pipe dream, but a viable investment.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Films Mario Salieri On Line

toriam> the ravens come

palaver every night here the dig. true visionary settle on
the gables. now and then a roof of a house fly ambassadors
to another.

the toriam comes the time and again like a tribal meeting.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mount And Blade Steam Hack

buried aol toriam

give great sadness I know that AOL has buried the international website of toriam.

Sang disappeared without trace over the 13-year-old installation from the Internet. What a disgrace to the Americans!

But the toriam does not give up!

precisely the toriam searches the Internet for ways to its original installation to install again. The subject of "WAR" was "is still red hot - unfortunately!

you soon!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mercurial Vapor Iii - Yellow Green

2. October 2008 expulsion from Colombia

As I came out to the "Comité Solidarity with Political Prisoners" know (CSPP) in Cali - and even a prisoner was ...

On 1 October, I came in this morning on the bus to Cali, where I was to live for twelve days to both the work of the local CSPP (Comité de Solidaridad con los Presos Políticos) and by NOMADESC, kennzulernen a very interesting human rights organization in the region, to accompany. Another goal, which would automatically connect with the monitoring of these two organizations, was to get some information from close to the situation of the sugar plantation workers in Valle de Cauca, which since the 15. September in the strike were to achieve an improvement in their extremely precarious situation. (See, for example
On the same day, I soon learned of Walter, the director of the CSPP in Cali should be held a demonstration of this sugar plantation workers and their supporters, which we joined around 14:30 at the end of the train. She led after a few hours walking peacefully, the city center should take place before the courthouse where the rallies. I went all the time passively at the end of the march, photos made by the protestors and talked almost continuously with the various trade unionists from SINTRAMETAL, in their buildings, the CSPP has his office and with whom we had made together on the road. Walter had gone forward, and so we all met for the first 17 against clock in the center at the rally back to where we were sitting on the floor, and talked a little bit rested. Shortly after 17:30 clock we set out to even going to a concert. We crossed the square and turned into a street where we were still waiting for someone, as I already responded, some men in plainclothes and demanded my passport. It all happened very quickly, Walter was one of the men still ask for his identification, but already, they said I had them in the DAS (Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad - the Colombian Secret police) of Cali follow. This allowed me to accompany Walter yet, so we are five of us plus the driver squeezed into a taxi. A wild began telephoning, Walter with the Vice Presidency of the human rights defenders in Colombia, I discuss with the coordinator of the Red de Hermandad what to do and what to say. When DAS arrived, Walter was forced to remain outside the gates of the building, so I stayed with the DAS officials alone. I was led into an office where my first questions were asked: Who am I had my Permiso what COS-PACC do, why I was here in Cali, why I took part in the demonstration, who my friend Walter was and what he was doing. I answered the questions carefully, but honestly relative, however, without mentioning the Red de Hermandad that I make a kind of voluntary work in COS-PACC, to see how they work, because I was the work of a NGO on human rights issues of interest that I This came days after Cali was to have been sent but without of COS-PACC, but out of personal interest that I would see Walter as a friend and was also on the demonstration of self-interest, but not as participant but as an observer, I had previously read about in the media about the strike and was interested in the situation.
came in between some Oscar Vasco Soto, apparently the boss of my Camilo Torres in the interviewer's office to ask with questions about me and COS-PACC, obviously he was in the next room here, auszuforschen in contact with the DAS office in Bogotá more about me and my stay in Colombia. Camilo Torres
then began to put the same questions again, but this time word for word on the computer log leaders. In between I phoned on with Kris, the German coordinator of the Casa in Bogota, and with Walter. The lawyers and the CSPP NOMADESC were already on my case to it. At one point I was over the phone informs you that my lawyers stood out and that I should ask to speak to them to be allowed. This has been denied repeatedly. Oscar Vasco refused to tell me his name, while I talked on the phone with Walter. Only after I hung up, he told me his name. Then he wanted to forbid me to phone for some time off I had my phone, it could use some time later again, but this does not go out of the room and out of Camilo Torres' direct earshot. They began to offer me food, I should order what I wanted, I refused at first because I wanted to accept food from them nothing, and still hoped soon to come out and then with Walter and the other compañeros easier to enjoy my supper to can. I have been all ten fingerprints taken.
When it was later dawned on me that here a long one, me and my freedom is not well-intentioned bureaucratic process was underway, I did bring me an arepa with cheese. I came only to eat them in half, as I was focused (around 20:30 clock?) That I had to stay overnight in the DAS and my appetite went. I had to follow them outside, and from that moment it was scary for me. At one table, three or four men, I should in my bag the most important things such as handkerchiefs, to get any medication, I was allowed to keep. My pocket as my phone (my sim card before I could ) Out I had to make, shoelaces, belts and necklaces I had to hand over protest despite crying too. Me to calm down and obey the Colombian law. Incredulous, I was in a walled complex of small cells out on the site in which there were four open individual cells, each with a mattress and a toilet naked, in front of a hallway with a bed frame made of iron with no mattress, a sink and open shower. Since I was the only "prisoners", I was allowed to occupy the entire complex had to, not in one of the dark, narrow single cells, but remained on a small cushion that they brought me on the iron frame in front of the cell, behind a locked screen door and under the sky of Cali, which was not separated by a roof, but only by grating of me. I began to look in the writings of my predecessors on the walls, a few religious allegiances to Jesus in English, and lots of lines in Ivrit for me looking like Chinese characters. How I wish I'd had a pen to leave my anger at German on these walls, but that was me as my other stuff has been removed. So I came (ironically) in my little tour of the cells Wandinspizierung only last for a hanging poster of the Defensoría del Pueblo, which was to remember the detainees of their rights in this situation. Happily beyond the written evidence on my side, I started to get through the gate across the yard, that someone should come. Unfortunately it was only the "keeper", stupidity in the face, a birdbrain in uniform with rifle. With him, I should only through the screen door separated to spend my next time in that cell. I told him that I wanted to talk to someone that was read on this poster in black and white, just that at least three of my rights were broken. I had to read it to him: the right to know, for whatever reason, I was being held and who ordered the measure. The right not to be without communication (no ser incommunicado). The right directly talk to my lawyer to be allowed and that at rest (both extra bold on this poster!). Me to calm down, the guard advised me silly that night was to rest there, to sleep. Just as I saw that too, so I would not be here! - Baffled grin. On the subject of my rights, he had the statement that in Colombia for giving horarios, so to speak Geschäftsszeiten for Human Rights, and now it's too late to start again tomorrow. It did not help to explain to him that there are no business hours for the applicability of law. He disappeared and came back unimpressed at some point in order to keep asking me, beaming, if I Colombia had fallen, it would be so nice, you know, Colombia. Here in this place do not, I could give him from my side only answer, he began to praise Germany, the land of opportunities, right where it all go well. I explained that this was not so, but he continued to talk about his sister in Germany, and never looked back: Germany is very good, because it is not here, right? And showed me conspiratorially the swastika that was tattooed on his forearm. When I despair about this DAS employees with a swastika tattoo could only "subject istas" mumble, he asked me, grinning as well as before on the question of whether I liked Colombia that I probably liked the Revolution. From what he was talking revolution, please, I said to him, and he answered nothing and eventually withdrawing.
I introduced myself to a night under the open sky on the pad, as the guard and Camilo Torres came to the screen door to open it (!). Again, I should follow them. Back in the office building. In a kind of brightly lit lecture hall a large poster with the emblem of the DAS was suspended in Cali - "legality, honesty, and a third noble word I have forgotten. Against this poster I was being photographed several times head-on (they now have my most evil look in her archives) and from both sides in the profile.
I was again brought down to the offices, find me the same short cushion that they had given me in the cell was placed in front of the archive door on the ground. The slimy Oscar Vasco, who telephoned the same time as his jefe, handed me my cell phone parts, I should enable it, if I was called. Shortly after I talked to Alejandro, who introduced himself as my lawyer and told me that he had all the time in contact with the DAS director in Bogotá, that ignore the rules but he could until the next day at 8 clock to me, and my participation was a foreigner without a work visa for her reason expel me. Certainly, then, that they would expel me? I was shocked and in tears once again in the office hallway, took another phone conversation with Kris and Ariadni, my dear Greek compañera in Bogotá contrary. It was delivered to me a bag of Walter, with a toothbrush and toothpaste, yogurt, juice, water, biscuits, tissues, and an encouraging piece of paper. I was touched. And sad.
A woman in the adjoining office space was responsible as a "guardian" for me, the others went, and I sent in my sweaty stuff up on the cushion with no sheet or blanket, where I saw the first night was sleepless and feverishly thinking about my situation. About six came back the first hard-working DAS employees to the office, I was served Tinto and offered an arepa with cheese - which I might yet so - that I could turn down this time to myself prefer to stick to Walters biscuits. Waiting for my lawyer Alejandro began again in the lecture hall, guarded by Camilo Torres, a woman who would later accompany me to the airplane in Bogota, whose name I know not. Alejandro came, settled in the company of the DAS officials Tell me what happened so far is how they treated me. He informed me that they were still trying to challenge the expulsion. Told me that now in El Tiempo that the strike of sugar plantation workers has been recognized as justified, and also that one of the plantation owners were detected relations with the paramilitaries. Furthermore, that an eight-year-old girl was "disappeared" in the demonstration. He has repeated as the night before on the phone that I should not be sad that they, the Colombians would continue to fight. Then he left, and minutes later I was in the office, my place in the interrogation, had submitted my expulsion statement to sign.
Señor Vasco was in a hurry. Without telling me where it should go, should I get into a car. I insisted on an explanation before I would enter. As it was said that the airport was the destination for me to fly to Bogota, I could still just so outraged that my clothes were still at Walter. Nozzle. I called Walter that he should bring me my backpack quickly to the airport. Then it started, Torres-driving, Vasco as a passenger and the woman next to me on the back seat. The three talked on the ride over minor matters, of incipient baldness in the male passengers in the car, and I hated it. At the airport in Palmira further waiting in the office of DAS. One of the men there dared to to tell me what beautiful eyes I had, and to smile at me all the time. Waiting for Walter with my backpack (I could not see Walter or my backpack, my companion DAS-checked the backpack immediately after Bogotá). A few phone conversations with Kris, Chello, Walter.
Camilo Torres and the aforementioned wife accompanied me on the flight to Bogota, Oscar Vasco went back to Cali.
has arrived in Bogotá passed me after some back and forth, and the phone on an official of the German Embassy but still to Kris and the others that with all my things were still in the Casa in Bogota and Ariadni for me in all the Ropes were wrapped, DAS-office waiting for me. Everything went quickly, I grabbed a hurry all my things, handed them out to luggage and hand luggage, while others, including the lawyer Jorge Molano, I got to know on the accompanying tour in the Sur de Bolívar already clarified, the other things that I do not have much mitbekam. My ticket, I for 14 October had bought to Lima to request from Peru once more a visa de Cooper Ante for Colombia was rebooked for now, all of a sudden I go, had to could sign two explanations for the Red de Hermandad and every hug (I hope they have my gratitude can feel for everything), and a few minutes later I was sitting alone in the aircraft. At the start I saw the last time the skyscrapers of Septima and could still marvel at once the width of the Ciudad Bolivar from all relativizing height.
Nineteen and a half hours took the Colombian state for me to make after 31 days stay for at least seven years out of the country.

compañeras and I thank all of the Red de Hermandad compañeros that have become so used to me, I got to know, for their help, support and solidarity at this time and wish them with all my heart and courage in the fight for their rights in a state that does not protect those rights, but in contrast disregarded and violated!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

What Is The Cheese They Use At East Side Marios

New District Executive in the Office

KORBACH. Oh, that I live to see it could ... When properly packed house came to the district association in the hotel Golflair together for the General Assembly. In addition to numerous guests (including part-Regional Chairman Lasse Becker) members and interested JuLis had come to the county seat. Expeditious and orderly brought to the regulations behind them before then elected the new District Executive.
Click on the picture you see from left to right, the new team: Thomas Minke (Bad Wildungen), Stefan Sommer (Burgwald), Céline Zissel (Battenberg), Elias Knell (Frankenberg) and David Reese (Frankenberg). Not in the picture is Fabian Foelsch (Bad Arolsen. These are six in the coming year, the fortunes of the local chapter and shall continue to manage it that we will stay, not the greatest, but for most active political youth organization in Waldeck-Frankenberg.

conclusion, I presented (Dennis), then my successor a thick and heavy folder with documentation of my term.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

38 Weeks Pregnant And My Urine Is Cloudy?

circle members meeting

KORBACH. morning comes. The county general meeting is coming up and the preparations are in full swing. Although this time fewer guests have announced there will probably an eventful KMV, because the elections are to the district board on the agenda.
This point is especially for me (Dennis) sad, because after three years I no longer for the "coolest job out there, run the district chairman, will. However, I believe that together into a team and that continue the successful work of recent years and will expand so that I can retire in peace from the daily business. O)

At this point I would not miss it but, once again all members, associates, friends and supporters of the Young Liberals Waldeck-Frankenberg for the rally on Friday 3 invited in October 2008 from 16:00 clock in the hotel Goldflair (Korb) !

Monday, September 22, 2008

Varying Thickness Of Drivers Licenses

17th to 22 September Sur de Bolívar

our boots at the end of the trip

The journey to the south of the department of Bolivar was probably one of the most adventurous trips that I have so far in my life have made. The occasion was a two-day meeting of the miners in this particular of the gold production from small mines and agriculture dominated section of Colombia. The "Sur de Bolívar" is characterized by up to 2300 m high mountain range and is a low populated, inaccessible region. Assume that is mined from the humanity so coveted gold metal, you realize the lifestyle of the residents of the small mining villages to much. There is a lack of infrastructure, medical care and education. The large gold reserves are far removed from small independent miners, who live on the value of gold sold.

"La Teta" (the tit) symbol of the Sur de Bolívar, is shown with pride when it is visible. "Pornografia geografica" ...

Since the late 90s, the international companies Goldminenbau Conquistador Mines and Anglo-American moved into the area, thousands of people living there were killed by paramilitaries or sold. Today, the existence of the mineros of the gold mining giant Kedahda (a subsidiary of the already notorious multinational Anglo Gold Ashanti), is under pressure, which has already licenses purchased in the area and wants to exploit its underground natural resources in a big way. The profits of this reduction would not, however, in Colombia's pockets, and certainly not flow into the general population. Only five percent of the profits will be the Colombian state, or rather the oligarchs who rule this country, given, in which even the "Compensation" are included for the enormous environmental damage to be adopted. The large remainder would flow directly to foreign countries. For the miners and their families, this means the imminent loss of their livelihoods and the destruction of their habitat. Before, they could defend themselves against these plans by the Federation in the agro-mining workers of the south of Bolívar - organize FEDEAGROMISBOL. Together and in national and international networking, they resist the release plans of the Colombian government to multinational enterprises, painstaking work to build the Muliwege to their villages from passable to motorized trails, create and maintain a school - just fighting "por una vida digna y la de el territorio Permanencia " (for a dignified life and a continued existence in its territory).

This organization is not immune from state repression. "Lideres sociales" - leaders of organizations in the region to be shot by soldiers of the Colombian army out of court, such as Alejandro Uribe Chacon on 19 September 2006, exactly two years ago. On the occasion of his second death anniversary of the Assembly mineros in San Pedro Frio was held, the purpose of our trip was. The murder of Alejandro Uribe broke Two years ago, a multi-day uprising of 1300 mineros out in the next town of Santa Rosa, as a result it to an agreement between them and the government came after this case should be solved legally. This has been happening within two years, the perpetrators remain unpunished, and the same Batallon that Alejandro shot two years ago, is still stationed in Sur de Bolivar. This is one of countless examples of the Colombian conflict is typical impunidad - the impunity of the perpetrators.

Other important personalities of the Federation had to leave for safety reasons the area, as Teo and Gabo, which we support as part of several international and national facilitators now on its way to the meeting of FEDEAGROMISBOL after because of the challenges it risk more than a year could not visit the area.

Wednesday evening (17 September) began a long time our arrival in Bogotá. Eleven hours of night we went to Aguachica, from there take a taxi to Gamarra, a beautiful, small and very hot place at the Rio Magdalena. From there it goes on about a half hour on a speed boat up the river to Santa Rosa, where we spend the night on Friday in a small modest hotel and already considerable heat.

boat trip on the Rio Magdalena

place on the Rio Magdalena

is in our hotel in Santa Rosa

The next day, further up in strong SUV up the mountain. Our target is the small gold mining town of San Pedro Frio (as the name suggests, out of the heat), is to take place Friday and Saturday the Asamblea. A year ago, the only passable way to four-handed in front of San Pedro Frio Fußstunden. Now we can only run for one hour. Without rubber boots is very little to achieve, the way is softened by the many rain so that we hochstraucheln in ankle deep mud of the mountain. I turn on staying focused mode can hardly breathtaking wilderness left and right perceive of me, but just check the depth of the sludge in my next kick.


sweaty and dirty, we reach San Pedro Frio, and for me totally unlikely place near one of the gold mines, above and in the clouds, where the man in my ideas living in extreme poverty. The houses are fashioned entirely of wood boards, plastic sheeting and corrugated iron. Flush toilet and shower work with small plastic buckets, with which one draws the spring water of the toilet bowl or your own body. Cook on wood fires. It is a place of rubber boots, all residents of small to large to trudge through the ubiquitous red mud, they hardly even seem to notice.

View near San Pedro Frio - above the clouds

San Pedro Frio

San Pedro Frio. Rare moments in the sunshine

San Pedro Frio
gold mine near San Pedro Frio

girl washing dishes

two guys in front of the window

clicking the little "town square" will be built a rain cover made of plastic sheets, among which held the two-day meeting.

covered "village square" of San Pedro Frio

The square is surrounded by amazing colorful equipped shops, where everything possible is being sold rubber boots to even fresh fruit. Lucky for me, otherwise I would have for breakfast, lunch and dinner, rice, potato and yucca eat - the meat, which is part of the customary here grinding it, I give away out of habit (not really a moral imperative - and I see only happy, free-grazing animals) to flesh-hungry compañeros.

The "soup kitchen" in the Many guests of the meeting in the morning cooks, both lunch and dinner with meat, rice and yuca. It can happen that you get stuck with the hot plate in his hand in the mud before. - The people around me helped, in which they were tugging at my pant leg to free the foot again ... :)

children, dogs and mules characterize the village. Mules present here the main means of transport dar. heavy loading, they enable both the colorful abundance of goods in the shops of San Pedro Frio, and the descent of pregnant women traveling on her back about fifteen days before the expected birth to the next village with medical care need.

"Getränkemuli" on the way to San Pedro Frio

Two days and two nights we spend here. I am stunned and impressed. Could imagine a life in this place ever. It seems absurd that people set up under these harsh conditions, given their home. But that's what they do, with daunting commitment, just to fight for this habitat.



memorial speeches for the murdered Alejandro Uribe Chacon. Chorus: "!? Alejandro - Presente Presente Presente Hasta cuando Hasta siempre Hasta siempre Hasta siempre!"

I live the various speeches and discussions at the meeting, but do not understand much. Note only annoyed that the participation of women in the discussions virtually non-existent. The typical for Colombia machismo is undeniable. The women hang around with children on their lap, or stay in the homes and kitchens to feed the families and the many guests Assembly ... Besides mud, gray skies, cool air and the society of cockroaches, this is another reason for me, this place just can not really find appealing. - What my amazement still does not detract. Daisy bakes in the semi-darkness of my beloved arepas (sweet cakes made of various cereals)

indefatigable cook in the guest kitchen

here for incredible documentation: a Colombian (Costeña - from the coast), which is almost as big as me!

create some very few are even WITHOUT rubber boots in San Pedro Frio. Do not know how ...

Sunday morning half past five breaks our group again. The mud is even deeper, it has rained in the night. The drive back to Santa Rosa is an adventure, we are happy to survive thanks to a virtuoso charioteer and an almost unbreakable determination SUVs (now I know what these cars are good! not for the dam Kottbusser!). That same evening we can take the night bus to Bogotá, where we arrived on Monday morning shortly before seven clock - to arrive tired but happy and no worse incidents - of course in the rain.

Rio Magdalena - early Sunday evening

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Period Early Heavy Short

toriam> greed eats brain

history repeats itself. This oil-picture I painted in times of new market noise. who collapsed, as painted in the picture. now in the great banking crisis, the true motive still.

... now is thinking of toriam: I should be better banking analyst? shares or guru?
not worry: this metier motivates artists do not!

brain-eating governments

oil on canvas
format: 59 x 60 cm

copyright & right as always with toriam

Monday, September 15, 2008

Metal Gear Msx English Rom Zip

ninth mission in Boyaca to 14 September 6th

Journey in the department of Boyocá (northeast of Bogota located), due east in the nearby subdivision, the Province of La Libertad, where the three of us Villages want to visit: Labranzagrande , Pisba and Paya :

(click can to enlarge the map so that the three isolated villages in the far east of the department of recognizable)

the Provincia de La Libertad has a great wealth of the ecosystem, a breathtakingly beautiful natural scenery of mountains and valleys in all possible shades of green with many rivers.

Currently Oil exploration conducted in the area ...

In addition, it has always been a strategically important country section, as it is inevitably on the way between the wide plain, which makes up the entire eastern Colombia, and the interior. It is in the 20th Century also an important effect of the two guerrilla groups space FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and ELN (National Liberation Army) become residing somewhere in the inaccessible mountains of the province.

The residents of the Provincia de La Libertad farming are mainly farmers, the small cultivation of maize among other things, Platano, beans and some coffee, but live mostly by rearing cattle. Their habitat is characterized by complete neglect of the state, at least in terms of social structure: there is poverty, lack of medical care, education and infrastructure.

farmhouse on the way to Labranzagrande

Instead of decades and longer-old armed conflict in Colombia, in an absurdly unequal distribution of wealth (rural) property and power is rooted to fight through investment in the social sector, the only use by the government in the province again only by a massive infiltration of army and police.

policeman in Pisba (Photo Ariadni)

This is the setting of the living conditions of people in this region roughly sketched. They live in the middle between the legal and the illegal armed forces of this country and are the direct victims of the conflict.

Our mission is the first in years Investigation of the human rights situation in the province. Our objectives are to demonstrate the humanitarian situation in which its inhabitants are to document in the form of interviews and evaluate. On the other hand, should be tried together with the residents and the authorities of the communities to find a way to cooperate with national and international NGOs to defend human rights in the region.

Wednesday: 13 clock meet at the bus station Bogotá. With one of the luxurious buses that traverse the country here, in which even I can stretch the legs, where one freezes to death, however slightly due to excessive air-conditioning to Sogamoso . From the second-largest city of the department of Boyacá, with 120 000 inhabitants, formerly an important religious center of the Muisca indigenous people, who had built a sun temple here, get we will not see much because it's already dark when we arrived. The cold forces itself on the strongest impression. We eat, we still accompany three from the Red Fabian (Director of COSPACC) to a small reunion, which I do not know much, then even a beer in the only bar that is still open at this late time (about 23 clock) , and then dip in the short night's sleep in a small hotel. 4:45 the alarm clock rings, half applications concerned the group gathered to take the bus to Labranzagrande . No breakfast, but the inevitable in Colombia, "Tinto" - very watery, black coffee with lots of sugar, but at least nice and hot will help us further.

6:03 Tinto at the bus station Sogamoso

about five hours driving through the mountains and the greenery, horses and cows graze just off the road soon is not paved. We are losing altitude, and it is getting warmer. Twice the bus stops - once because of a small herd of cattle:

and once for a venomous snake that drinks in the middle of the road from a puddle:

Labranzagrande Thursday morning greets us with charm and spring-like warmth. About 500 people live in this village with its village square and the little colored stucco houses.




seller Labranzagrande
small courtyard at our hostel in Labranzagrande

begin our work. In all three villages, it consists in our mission and each of us the residents of the village and all who have come from the environment for the occasion to present and explain our intentions.

presentation of the mission before the people of the community Labranzagrande

then follow the interview, where we are in four to five small groups and divide in different corners of the room to receive the single person at tables that you want to tell something . Using an interview form, we take their name, age, passport number and if possible phone number on the data of the victim, the story of the incident itself, a possible history, and any problems in the present.

We hear sad stories of selective assassinations of family members (usually husbands) by the guerrillas, extra-judicial executions by soldiers of the army, illegal arrests and detentions by the army, massacres and psychological torture.
Most cases are four or more years ago. In most human rights violations Labranzagrande the FARC, in Pisba in Paya and the ELN and the Colombian army are attributed.
The majority of cases are shown from a lack of trust in the competent state authorities never. And even if, those responsible remain unpunished, the victims received a small financial compensation. No work-up of debt and loss and suffering that will result from the conflict instead.

follows in each village after a pause, a meeting with the authorities of the municipality to discuss with them the combined results from the interviews with the victims and see how the situation can be improved.

found in all three villages, we have a clear breach of international humanitarian law, which provides for the widest possible separation of civilian life and military combat operations by defining protected places such as schools, hospitals, cultural institutions and private houses of military presence should remain unaffected.
The armed police and soldiers are ubiquitous, especially in Pisba Paya and they seem to be the number of villagers to make smooth.

policemen in Pisba

at every corner and in between they have in the villages of their "Trincheras" built small huts with sand bags Look and loopholes.
Pisba: Trinchera middle between two houses. (Photo: RedHen)

Pisba. Trinchera right next to the hospital and the pharmacy (Photo: RedHen)

The police in Pisba and Paya are omnipresent and apparently already fully integrated into the daily lives of people living there:
Pisba children, in the background policeman and his Trinchera
meeting and presentation to the residents of the community Pisba in the library. The police are all the time before the door of the library ... (Photo: RedHen)

Friday, as usual in the early morning hours, we set off small rented SUVs after Pisba. The roads are an adventure. Only since the beginning of 2005 villages Pisba or Paya are motorized access at all, after the municipality has built in self-government drive-way.

rise to some of us into the back of the second car after the transporter has given up (in background) Labranzagrande shortly after the Spirit. There are rides over hill and stone and some mountain stream, where we are shaken up properly. With wind and sun in their faces and a direct experience of nature and landscape through which we travel. Wonderful!

One of the mountain streams that run through the middle of the road

stay in Pisba. Presentation of the mission, discussions with victims. After that presentation of some results and discussion with the authorities of the municipality.

homes in Pisba. They were from any German parish funded and built. The chimneys are pure decoration.

Pisba residents of the community, most farmers. Some have walked for hours to take part in the mission.

Pisba. An old peasant woman

one interviews with the victims in the library in Pisba


On Saturday morning we go to Paya. Similar scenario in hot weather. Assembly of residents, interviews, then talk with the authorities of the municipality.

young farmer from Paya

the early evening we head back to Labranzagrande to where we spend a short night last. The mission in the Provincia de La Libertad is complete, the Sunday bus consists of Labranzagrande to Sogamoso, where we take the bus to Bogotá.

The mission of the individual cases of human rights violations (in total we have collected about 70 cases), cooperation with the authorities of the communities and further action by the Corporación COSPACC in the Provincia de La Libertad must now be evaluated and discussed. There will be a summary report and a presentation of the mission at a press conference in the coming days.