Let us consider the project but once up close. The plan is to establish a private university in the county in a joint ownership between the public and private companies. It should be a model and pilot function for future development of higher education in Hessen and offer educational opportunities within the region for young people from the region. The structure of courses with an international focus is to take place in close coordination with the regional economy, and the locally based service providers. Currently, studies in the fields of forestry, sustainable construction and planned energy efficiency, healthcare and business law. The district supports the sustainable university with funding from the proceeds of the Future Fund. Provided up to 1.2 million € per year as investment in education.
But how is the current situation? All factions of the District of Waldeck-Frankenberg have unanimously welcomed the meeting in September 2008, the creation of a technical high school in Waldeck-Frankenberg. The proposed close link between future University of the economy and institutions of the health sector and other educational facilities can be co-operating in a decentralized structure appear to be useful. The sites therefore are Bad Wildungen, Korbach and Frankenberg provided. Rooms are available at all three locations for free or at low cost. The necessary equipment for the first courses can be obtained from the proposed baseline October 2010. And it seems as if the conditions are not the worst! Waldeck-Frankenberg and Nord Hessen have a balanced mix of industries in the economy. In addition, tourism and health sector play an important role economically and create a high profile in the region. The more pronounced agriculture developed additional business, and on the market of renewable energy and biomass. And Economy, Trade health and need qualified professionals, including and especially for leadership, so that a potential demand exists for professionals and executives in the region. The lack of higher educational institutions in the region is one of the reasons for the negative demographic trends. In addition, universities with a high gain practical increasingly important to the study at universities and in almost all provinces, the foundation is supported by work-related courses.
The accreditation of courses is already underway and the curricula of individual programs are being written. Sun trigger further soon the Bachelor degree programs could start in business administration, international economics, industrial engineering, civil engineering and mechatronics. For subsequent years, then further studies such as economic and administrative law, social work / social work, translation and interpretation, medical assistant jobs, computer science with computer science industry, plastics, energy, and Environment and Sustainability Management (ESM) is planned. By the end of the Hessian Ministry of Science to the design of an application to be submitted to institutional accreditation.
The nursery scheme provides that at the baseline (probably 2010), about 80 students are enrolled. An annual growth rate of around 100 students will be sought to populate so that after five years some 500 students to campus. The teaching staff should grow accordingly, so that is planned for five years about 20 professors. But we do
financial planning once again take a closer look. According to current well-paid tuition fees will be € 4,800 per year. Of those, however, are about 30-40% receive scholarships. The district will participate in the initial capital investment and the state of Hesse is both an investment-help in the initial phase, and a co-financing by the Hesse Higher Education Act expected. In addition, at least four endowed chairs to be raised.
Liberals in Waldeck-Frankenberg, the university plans to support any event, as FDPKreistagsfraktionsvorsitzende Adolf Graf said in his recent budget speech: "The plans to establish a university in Waldeck-Frankenberg and the intended budget estimate of 1.2 million € (possibly with lock flag) by us supported and endorsed. With a university in our county, we can manage the migration of young people in the urban areas to stop and retain students from even further afield in our region. We also believe that can be won with a university high synergy effects for the domestic economy. It presupposes, however, that the country, this project fully supports and promotes this as the prime minister has promised. After 1/18/2009, the talks will continue with the state government, and we expect that after 18 January 2009 with the new government a strong support from the State of Hesse can be reached in order to create the conditions for a university Waldeck-Frankenberg. "

And the international aspect is taken into account in planning. Already, there is an exchange of information with the partner region Burgenland in Austria and the local technical college, with their locations in Eisenstadt and Pinkafeld the courses in business (with emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe), information technology and management, energy and environmental management and health offers. It remains: The university would be an asset to the region and strengthen the training location Waldeck-Frankenberg. And also convinced the concept behind it. Now it remains to be seen how the whole thing developed and whether the offer is accepted by the prospective students. To hope is to be made so that the ambitious plans not a pipe dream, but a viable investment.
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