Monday, February 7, 2011

Stomach Sitting Japan

Why aircraft carrier documentaries news channels are the best

Ein paar Fakten zum kürzlich erst verebbten "Dioxinskandal", der eigentlich keiner war, von Udo Pollmer (der auch zu anderen Themen in seinem youtube channel Vorträge hält)

This could have known, if at least some of the people in the mainstream media (dozens of television and more radio stations alone in the state's "basic service") is a minimum of integrity and professional pride would have.
But that was not natural. Facts are irrelevant, only the air sovereignty is one of the propaganda front. Who would use Ilse Aigner and her ministry for cases in which the government does more harm than (Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection) know? This enabled the relevant news items in endurance conveniently produced images of absolute unimportant protagonists run, which worked with tremendous eagerness to work a problem that did not exist.
At the end there will be more bureaucracy, just as futile, for it is a bit more expensive.
will next time then "the State" - be responsible - and no one specific. After all, who once begins to rely on the government that is lost forever.
By the way: Would the culprit instead of fish eggs with their blended biodiesel waste, they would have met with some probability the already ludicrous limits.


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