Tuesday, March 1, 2011

26 Olevia Lcd Tv 226-s12 Manual

Dr. iur. ex. and hundreds of pages of legal scholars who actually talk considers science?

Guttenberg thus has a show and does not remember the nonsense. The average citizen is absolutely clear that someone was dismantled for completely different reasons than those advanced. This is clear from the bunch of vultures, all of which have much less character but that his moral indignation at the complete absence of any moral practice after years of already mastered quite well.
Everyone knows how most doctorates are crafted and how little they are worth. This entire academic posturing with titles and citations is ridiculous anyway, when you see how many high school aristocrats and talk with titles Studded obvious humbug or their "scientific" certification information for pseudo-scientific Twaddle use as a political agenda - also in the natural sciences are not unpopular (see global warming, "alternative" energy, etc.).
Who are the page numbers of legal dissertations looks surprised any more about it, that politicians and bureaucrats are absolutely unable to make reasonable laws and regulations (or the business rules to build for a while leave altogether) and instead always a several hundred to a thousand Pages sive monster that has more exceptions than rules and principles as more special cases, created.

And at times be seen in action for the enrichment pseudoscientific Juristentum the rule of law is so we can once the decision of the European Court of Justice on different rates for men and women view, imposing a uniform insurance rates for men and women.
insurance is based on an existing assess risk and to secure a bonus system for all risk-takers the specific loss. This discrimination is necessary because different behaviors, circumstances, etc. Features include different risks. For example, women live on average longer than men, but men do not get cervical cancer, young drivers cause many car accidents than average ...
make sense to require insurance and punish risk-taking behavior and to keep the contributions economically viable must therefore be discriminated against. Although men can not help it, they die earlier, but women can even less, so men should wear their own risk of death itself, and not pooling with women. No one shall come to the objection that since birth, chronically ill will not be insured. This is, after all, not an insurance case, but a reliable insurance claims. For the welfare of charge, no insurance. I call indeed not even for fire insurance to insure my house while it is already burning.
insurers to information they already have, ignore it and treat policyholders equal, not equal. That would be more than you would take a physician to force a transplant for a junkie to take into consideration as well as for someone who no drugs. If after all humans.
The activists judges and politicians of the EU but know nothing about insurance or statistics, but know very well how to pack unrealistic nonsense on many pages so that some of it as law. Discrimination - for the intelligent people the basis of rational thought and action (which is good, what is bad, which is economically, which is uneconomic) - is it something bad grundweg that must be corrected with strong state control.

Another glorious victory over fascism of social reality.
I am sure that all involved in this nonsense lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians and above all, keep their academic degrees and titles, as we shall know where you stand.


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