Thursday, December 15, 2005

Seial De Mountain Y Blade

VO VO 2006-01-10 2005-12-13 2005-12-06

first General government laws = Verw with legal action, agrees with the law, legality must be enshrined in law i his second
eth valuable action: is i big difference to a third
Legitimacy question d legality d action, in an ethically superior claim as d legality confirming; v is all meoglicherweise affected significantly; Mach Theory: WEBER power - authoritarian "power: to enforce decisions possible, principle d superpower based on it; Auoritaet means assent to power, also: legitimate power, postkolo State: can substantiate legality, d out but not legitimate, the state needs the consent;

eg: National Parks - State: legislation, ie, national parks "definitely" be; question: is this or that law legitimately come about?
CH: Example exception, as many votes

question What is democracy? > law emanates from the people, "meaning" determined "d every right through discursive process so as discourse / Mediation: transparency, conviction consent - discursive principle of conviction, not the principle of majority rule; Volkssouveraenitaet: self-legislation, also called soz Integration: confident d people radical democracy: put term vd roots ago: demos + Krasis; Integraton done verbally, that is discursive, od by power od violence: Approval of the Ggbenen

differnet approaches v Democracy: Discourse / minority decision - Def v democracy: 1 discourse of democracy: Transparency, discourse, argumentation, information & 2 Representative Demolratie (no Ggsatz);

Procedural reconstruction
process: political Entwscheidng like something right was how it came about laws, lawyers usually focus on outcome, SozWiss look at the process: each d reconstruction decision-making; questions: approval? Integration? Affected were asked?

Sachzwaenge & Time Pressure> quick decisions is no time to discourse, question d environmental protection can possibly be affected already, asylum rather not

Film: Telescopic ORF: Manafi / Zips Prod
Rasta Farai / Maroons / Jamaica

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Indoor Basketball Courts Marlboro Nj

Theor instruments: we are dealing with people - theory without practice and vice versa, i do not scientists (rf Ingold, Tim)
rules: study law
reproductive performance: Study and ID, authorship, they create knowledge

Benda - Beckmann: Legal anthropology; In: Fischer / Beer: Anthropology - Introduction and overview


• Rechtsanthro studied law / e Gesellsch as a normative dimension Organisation: Sollensanordng i norm = normative thinking all that supposed to have been for example, Catholic Church: Who is allowed to be priests, who not? > Asexuality, Heterosexualitaet; social morality has often deal with normative thinking, without giving reasons why! example: Thou shalt not kill - combined with a penalty: Facts, d-entry, if someone offend gg d Sollensanordng, like forest forbidden to enter: usually without penalty, only when infringement will be executed completely, reject v liability, normative dimension: Text; normative exaggerated = you should be heterosexual, but do not apply, nor standards excessive, because, without notice, inclusion and exclusion: AuslaensderInnen & InlaenderInnen as Definition> Def's always inclusive and exclusive notions> differnet Beschreibng v, Hermeneutics: "successful integration" means many different things, depending vd group dinterpretiert; Rechtspluralisms Def: certain social being, od current statement, clear operation, and inter-subjective? Objects d CTRL, evidence of Gestze, law alone is enough, 'but forest: Which forest, if not infringement will be punished, so completely peremptory norm with penalty, standard u Superelevation: Anordngn from morality: Gleichberechitgngn at best Vorraussetzngn;

• overlaps: Terms of values, concepts, rules u practice v cultural Vorstellngn fed u changed: See Terms of practices u examine what cultural values are d, d are behind it? Test d Bedingngn;

• Legal i place d soz inclusion is v other social, economists, political u religious Beziehungsverhaeltnissen u Institutions: finding, for example, health professionals are not manageable: Proposals u reforming, new foundations, studied not completely free and accessible - Right i place d soz integration meant succeed u miss ling integration i; Justification: Hochschulgebuehren not given since there is not growing facilities / staff / lectures; conviction services are a means of integration: discussion process i Parliament od Volksabstimmng; here: Mango Tree - Nature d as a site integration, eg integration as nature intended "primitive Formulation substantiate; civilized nations: in contrast to the democratic system "primitive"; DDr. Zips: Mango tree = What shall we do? such as youth unemployment> What to do, for example Minderjaehrigenschwagerschaft: serious problems i d Konxt globalization, formerly d family i kontxt not so difficult, that is: What should apply? Legal structure: Many believe instead of d integration i VW od Rel od ethnicity, but there are Rechtsvorstellngn, d should be considered explicitly / searched (t) s; soz Kontxt Terms of process d negotiation, with a large range of democracy (but may also Santander criticizing his dictatorial process under the mango tree): What are we to make arrangements, d for all application? D level communication: Can agree to "others"? Control: develop Ueberzeugungsfaelle consensual, consequences, rt d potentially succeed be u miss ling-border integration, such as countrywide bombing - Problemloesngspotential: low, leads not to Freidl democracy, failed policy, integration only through negotiation - communication, no place i finished, only i secularised Law: religion not so important, like i Iran: To determine overlaps v spheres, right i permeable ggueber religion as science is transparent; soz, economists components to consider code u law as a procedural consensus

History of Science

1861: Bachofen , Johann Jakob: The parent law> Matrirchat first Initial legal form
1861: Maine , Sir Henry: Ancient Law Patriarchate at the beginning
time d Charles Darwin, could evolution Theo lt d early Anthro can be applied to humans, adaptations

evolutionist approach: Ene company form of d other out Gegan, eg Matriarch vs. Patriarch, called Altvoelker reproduce vibrant old forms d law, d Urkkultur; basic paradigm: development ideology, world domination as RepraesentantInnen the highest stage of development (int'l orgs, etc: idea d Entwideo) - combined with conceited right to unilateral force; sensibility u be alert

definitions by DDr. Zips: reading books, questions run through, i Gesellsch distribution criteria differ! dozens or hundreds of laws in a year in UK - EU requirements d: must be enforced in national law, such as cucumbers Act - Consent: EU - up discontent in this Act, for example, six other local laws;

first Legalist Defs v € - American Rechtsauffasngn of: Gleicsetzng v law u law: legalistic is = What in the law, all the rest i do not Terms of anchored; Migration: Other Rechtvorstellngn to migrate, Admin u Verfassngn: State-Vollziehng only because d laws exercised (type! 18 BVG) such as omerta = penalty for non-compliance = right idea, not reilg principle od Ethos, pathos, for example 2 in cantos

Funtional Defs explain right from Funktionszusammhang d v u soz rules standards to other areas of life (eg VW, religion, socio - econ conditions); DDr. Zips Fall: obeah magic to ritual killing


third Kontxtuelle Def: Praxisverstaendis v law. Central question: How come to an Alliance Partner of Gesellsch d i Kontxt Gesellsch processes sot ui elaborate network relationships over their mutual rights u obligations, as well as their Durchsetzng? Id est: How does law as a place d soz integration? Id est: Often law is not written down, that is life i a process, ongoing communication d members, and / inheritance> Vorstellngn: relig influence

right u globalization

• Legal pluralism

• transnational dimension: 1 v Mobiilitaet law by migration flows, legal 2 Project, 3 Int'l Conventions: ILO 169, 4 UN Draft Declaration on Rights Indigenious: Bestimmngn d Criteria / conditionalities d eg World Bank, in an extreme situation d inequality u military might apply these Bestimmgn: Zambia refused to accept genetically modified corn, the other stick to it; conditionalities are not right, but with penalties: funds will be stopped, often the source even not known, problem => Mediation: Arbitration - a paid lawyers i Forum privatized; Verhandlng; v Verlagerng not mastered problems leads to political violence / Terrorism; Sollensanordngn eg indigeneous Laws as Draf: state adopts a gg UN Declaration - Terms of judgments, statuary law and common law;

Book Recommendation: Mobile People, Mobile Law
NADER, Laura: The America organization Of Law

u • Legal Justice: Factual law, as it legitimacy? How is it assessed? What makes a right legitimate? DDr. Zips: Legal Anthropology movens d = right to justice, the process must be transparent legitimacy d;

TOSH, Peter: Equal Rights and Justice: peace cryin cryin out 4, out 4 justice, equal rights and justice ;

Bemerkung AS @

Monday, December 5, 2005

Inter Racial Art Images

VO VO 2 VO 3

Our Guest: Steppin Jesus

General statements: incorporation in the class – reason: Legal Anthropology impressions of rights of people, not so much theo, not analyzing soc struct, interested in changing the soc structures
How to support people to bring them into a situation towards their own destiny, power to define oneself, making situation
Historically: people were disadvantaged due to colo, slavery, land occupation, resources and as well climate change & pollution;

Anthro is a rather weak (global) player! We cannot act with some hundred students […]

Botswana: over 900 000 km2 as a whole / 52 000 km2
SAN people: pronounced like in German ,central Kalahari Game Reserve 1961 UK Protectorate: a. poeple, b. environment, c. animals, d. SAN; shrinking deserts and resources vut up by farm work, lot of potential 4 tourists, Kalahari is a prospect resource center – nowadays int´l laws natural resources state gov resource, over past few yrs: dislocation > SAN were moved outside Kalahari, economic backbones were hunting and gathering, variety of reasons: basic needs for daily survival were given, but no more outside the reserve

Steppin Jesus : establishment did not like his teaching in Reggae Music; globalization of Rasta / Reggae: support of people in Botswana, he's not (yet) talking of repatriation; statement of globalization; Rasta : did not Originate in Jamaica but in Africa, African ideas travel with people, no geographical concept would work for interpretation, because mind travels;

3sat video: as rock paintings World Heritage Site: St rocks for about 30 000 yrs as the main sanctuary d SAN without asking, resettlement in remote village 30km;
interviews Xunta
Jaeger & Collectibles: walking d prey, survival> followed nomadic antelopes, zebras, etc;
rock art: hunting, life, death, spiritual forces, even to ancestors;
ofcourse u uebernat world: deep relig experience creation with Schoepfer connected by trance; gods u Ancestors: Spirit d appease murdered animals ability to heal;

shaman: travel id mind of a dying antelope: Elle antelope bed Jagdglueck, peace, wisdom, that is "acquired" their spirit, healing f v patient safety team, Loewen on the most dangerous, but sometimes sold loot stolen, but also food gg defend animals
EU support pledged to work with local Menschnerechtsorg, ID Question:
symbol d violence Europeans: "Stone Age" and „rueckstaendige huntergatherers“
SAN: poor, new diseases, etc

Support SAN until today: Artists, NGOs and some individuals

Steppin Jesus: Live in Concert at Blue Tree
Peformance in Vienna: Friday eve in Reigen; PLZ tell us about situation: rehearsals;

Q Steppin Jesus: What might have led to eviciton of our people in the Kalahari desert? > Poor: no food, no survival, 1996 / 1997: actions of gov = eight settlements in Kalahari, divided into 9 districts: central gov told us to move because of diamonds mining: UK gov divided land of central Kalahari Game Reserve : total use; 1979: regulations hunting species, gov 1980: subsidiary Exploration Campagne; 1982: evaluation – diamond in HOPE (?)
1986: gov declared relocation is gov policy; 1 500 pax rellocated , resistance & refusal to move, stayed there; March 2000: regulations for hunting; communication equipment
water cut & other adapts: move out of Game Reserve CKGR
mining of diamonds: lots of people had to move
gov policy who were always peaceful,
WANTED: land of rights – right of lands, 8 tribes / bands: old sacred land – first inhabitants, gov does not allow to take water into Game Reseve: > Human Rights Violation! – water & food for survival, difficult to handle case;
land titles – CKGR

Land Rights & Resources: process aimed, 2003: High Court Decision: land titles achieved - Roman Law and British Common Law deny land title of customary law, because the deeds were made;

million so-called Indians: tribal corporations: loss of land, as in India, China
f Rechtsanthro interest: the existence of customary laws v u d shortly national rights, the duration of the property: in favor v Indians; last 2 decades
first ILO Coop: Catalogue of Rights / 169 second
2004: Indigenous
third year d Draft Declaration of Aboriginal people
17 countries accepted declarations: mainly Nördl accepted EU countries, because AT "We have no indigenous "

Entwzusammarbeit: without AT PR / public relations move from d Anthro Viell: int'l Designed not in this direction: fight gg term indigenous people, such as KUPER, Adam, but not least safety and rights as indigenous people, then talk about terms of anthropology into int'l spotlight, a reduction of anthropology at culturalist argument is wrong

Film: World Journal DDr ORF 2. Zips
situation of the Trans Kalahari SAN
National Park almost 50 yrs back land rights received under Mandela, continued; diamonds so degraded, but best Entwmodell: Botswana rich state i do not fit through diamond mining, SAN into this picture of western luxury;

Tiereservate be forced to leave because tourists on safari,
Ranger d Park Authority: nice breakfast arrow u bow hunting, come d people from all over the world, Professor of the Kalahari, tourist infrastructure: f SAN no room ,
Ngakaaeja: Spokesman local minorities
Mogwe, Alice: Menschenrechtsorg
World Cultural Heritage: spiritual center, entering only as a tourist guide or List the dances, live in absolute poverty; trad costumes
country on the edge d Parks: Mandela began the first steps, recognition on Bewegngsfreiheit id Kalahari, denied access to hunting rights, Fat Pete: resting in Kalahari; celebrate freedom with the right to life after eiegen Vorstellungn;

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Is Altima Coupe 08 Good

a Caribbean conference at the Institute: Focus on the Caribbean Research, Prof Wernhart launched today va DDr. Zips u Dr. Kremser> Topic: Global Fire Lit, Music, Philo as a basis for int'l conflicts, int'l Bestzng: Dec 1 - 4, 2005; Top Movies: Movies i program;
also Buchpraesentation Rasta Fara, A Universal Philosophy in the third millennium, Dec 2: i dance concert (ticket € 10, - at the Institute, Location 1130 Wien), from approximately 20:00 Stepping Jesus> d Rights First People / First Nations i South Africa: SAN, in movies u lectures visible, reggae artist; Tagngsgebuehren: Students € 30, - / 10, -

SEAS 2: Theme Night Thailand Nov 28, 19:00 at the Institute, Ankeundigung: 2006 Price Study Program Thailand's bad trips: globalization, alternative globalization & anti - globalization, Bayern Alpha Prod: Thailand human rights issues (parts d film in VO shown Viell)

Global Fire

Terms of aspects not books, not only i Gesetzestxtn, but at soz actors

News : F = Terms of Kontxt, social law, residential rights, integration law, migration law, actors (not -) verbal comment on the situation;
What actually happened there?
What are the causes?
look what, when this question important for work:
Press: perplexity u hasty judgments, not expected SOLUTION, published opinion, confirmed each other, no spontaneity; Average opinion brings no solutions, offer d Hip to the solution; soz knowledge, legal texts: eg Migration Law in F; ground floor:: social level question

film materials:

first DVD Paris 'Burnin' P Jovanovic, Michael
Paris: Le Zenith April 2003
Capleton Prophecy & Band feat, Moses I
Comment: rushin down the World out there, protest gg superpowers, Globalisationsggner: Glokalisieren d global, bringing in d own Kontxt; warfire: Fire / Jamaica / Rasta Movement; the eagle ethnologist, the bear, etc

Kontxtualisierng: Meadows / BGLD: Ashanti: reason for the th commandmends, hills: ZION in Jamaica community since about 1958, its own laws, laws, Parliament, wesentl James commandments, sell brooms - Bible reference, many metaphors;; repatriation promoted synonym Babylon become Zion as a state within a state mainstream culture, Txte known;

Sizzler: Fire Man I Reggae, meaning v incineration; children of aethiopica in the valley of decision; church and state: current structure d world domination, Babylon fall through lightning, thunder storm, earthquake, and human hand;

statements, eg F: warfire as an expression v injustice, demonstration d futility, statements of depression;
music: as a phys attack gg oppression, Reggae i Populaerversion d orig Rasta music;
spiritual Konfliktfuehrung , fire: stay focused, self-awareness, including eating everything, including: meat = death; support, rasta fire burn, equal love and justice, redemption, salvation;
Repatriation: d only Moegle way id free i Terms of thing, not prakt, enslavement : Slavery of a legal system as one possibility - otherwise unlawful detention, (Rf Roem law: family law inzw updated)
colonies USA 1867> Abolition d slavery
repatriation back again, as a requirement to replace d victim d slavery in Africa; own mind, own Versatzstuecke in their own pin Bedingngn: soz understanding v right + wrong + justice, take it seriously, not legitimate; Kontxt v Mneschenrechten: Hills ZION: flag d UN human rights issue DeclOHumanRights; Kontxt in soz experience to slavery; Lebensumstaende 2005: Standards no discussion, soz Bedingngn continue, water front: slums without toilets, running water, etc, but a lot of violence , weapons
Rechtsanthropolog view: Human Rights, repatriation
warfire : not a call to phys violence, but hot, make flames f as a metaphor own Lebensumstaende, investment d compared establishment is, possibly violence, as in F; employment law, right to work, right to equal Erziehng, etc.

Book Recommendation: Zips, Werner, In: Griffiths / Beckman 2005: Law Mobile, Mobile People
Tip: Mirror, Time

Concert 2003 DVD: Possible actors from Moegle misunderstandings, int'l stage: Txte soz effective action by other translations;
How is recognition migrants v? Migration Law u integration law, not participation> AT: Integration contract, F: headscarf ban in schools - Legitimitaetsdefizit seeks valve, can political its processes, but then others can give Aesserungsformen;

second Doku end 90: Comment: d speak from interviews Parents Responsible, "small white" working class culture, Souk / market village, people interact, taxes, fuel, rent, give up integration = personality? To the exigencies of life? Rap: free, make something new, "assessment" for as a pejorative term "child of immigrants, 1983 marching fd freedom contre racism, recontrez of the problem, tout les politiques, Lyon; Ibrahim: v-right shot, the National Front, la republique ; MIB: Mouvement de l'Immigration et des banlieues; realite communique, Sales Dictionaries v ver5fachte rhymes for himself; Marseille: workshops;

third "Street language" called Ints> europ u Tuerk cultural comparison as a criterion, integration there should be another word;

Read: Interpretation possibilities - right to work, integration,
SozWiss Basics f better integration, more recognition, offer more peace, in RechtAnthro; high potential for conflict: selffullfilling prophecies> efforts for integration do not encourage friedl interaction in AT condition is not as complex as in F: Parents facing emergency law in d alger movement after 40/50 yrs confronted with the same laws that evidence in these documentaries

Soz u practice act, as Hip Hop, connect with soz structures coop with structures: 1 Bd: understand first 100 pages! > Concrete practice soz d integration, read on ... Kutschkermarkt
vinegar & oil

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tomatoes That Taste Like Metal

OV 1

field internship in S - Africa: Legal Anthropological content: what can be anthropology? How can that be anthropology?

Tutorial: solipsistic reflection is not about science - criticism, deixis: Sophia Schmidl> available in the local mediation Rechtssys i See other Rechtssys: i int'l arbitration compared to Example Afrikan Gesellsch and local; additions to Vos, no Refresher ask, but u question;
Seminar Room A: Sophia Schmidl

Sozwissensch: constant change; not only reproduce crit Aneigng read u understand;
criticism Annahmefaehigkeit d VOinhalte, information questions, crit questions, knowledge abtesten
penalty is € 5, - od Unit in HandyTone

exams: id last hour, by 30 January, 45 MINUTES; operation with theory - to answer specific questions, to practice-oriented, less factual knowledge:
• What concept of justice in d d Rechtsanthro?
• How are women's rights be reconciled with human rights?
4 questions, 3 answer: Use relevant documents during Testing > Kl question pool, open questions, understanding will be checked, not encyclopedic learning i asked;

anatomy d subregion of Rechtsanthro
3 vols: Legal Anthropology & Ethno history, as Terms of questions in S - Africa: Rechtsanthro & Ethnic History overlap;
Bd 1: "The porcupine remembers", pages 0 - 100 / sciences work
Volume 2: "Justice under the mango tree", Page 241 - 274 / contract with former Kolonialmaechte, data is not as important, relevant understanding zw Kolomacht u freedom of movement, instruments work by academics, as is operating with theoretical concepts? See Individualized Medicine: Pathology> menschl How body? How can modern Med used? D interpretation issues also do not lose I BSP, use tools f own research, looking for response, such as News: Newspapers F - Press: Wohnverhaeltnisse, politician: you do it forever, but if this would be d reason there would be in S - Africa do not more cars; See d multiplicity d instruments: use, placement, operation, concepts: language of the times i different from everyday language, motivation: language appropriate> demands; practice, relatively ethnographic tape transcription d Txte across cultural borders, out of doing history provides, Rechtsordng; 284 Txtangaben i footnotes;
Volume 3: "The power is like an egg", or Cape 1st: practice up to about 130, more theory, especially 177-234;

quantification is not here: Kommunikationsverhaeltnis - theor u methodologist inventory - tool kit - > Dealing objectification v assessment; perfect objectification of subjects makes objects!

right i dynamic: snapshot i written Txt, also StrVO i grew i soz u political processes, political systems u history i law / laws visible, are provided as a social scientist must questions be questioned, interpreted not quite positivist;
understanding is not solely by Reg GEnter: DDr. Zips operates for 20 yrs this discipline, ie: Merge, motivate, grow, learn
 readings d learn science
Using Txt: not edutainment, how can practice be read?

Q: Hip Hop Txte deal as a statement about soz strategies Ggwart; national u int'l KonTxte; Can this also happen in Berlin dt / big citys?
Film: Ethnicity - Nationalism - decoupling is not racism
historians consider i v JURID consideration; processing d Txt> VAT measures d integration u assimilation Viell a question would be z testing;

right i everyday life, the right i not been completed, right here i contiguous with politics, with Gesamtgesellsch, History, religion: eg shaman in the Tibetan village of both relig, and Terms of topic
law is a field, d is overlap with other fields; formally i independently, a judge in supreme court u OG partisanship important od affiliation to CV od Bd soz academics od Freemasons;
concept of law: Practice> assumption / hypothesis DDr. Zips: may also field d be religion, law i specific Sozwesen as a small circle i gr circle understandable; respective soz conditions org:

right place d soz integration
Field Course> How far i transformation of s - Afrikan industry since the late d apartheid changed?
DDr. Zips wine: distortion by apartheid since 10 yrs away, so that change; thesis has, if wine is more dehydrated, has then also meaningful f other sectors, because wine in 1684 "white"; land intensive, large area, "Buren's land 'and
students: Terms of backgrounds in terms to work, not LW i apartheid exists, knowledge of their own rights u land ownership issue: Government> Black people are involved in decision-maker? Gender: ♀ i economy;
Versoehnungskomission: amnesty, truth commission> as a media event but was just not questioned; publication d u DDr students. Zips in the near future;

South African Industry Trust Fund is managed v employed group, d yrs before 8; earlier KWV: enslavement and exploitation; analyze apartheid!
Apartheid: Rechtsys including Terms of discriminatory badly shattered v in time about four decades, then tried i Private Sector / independence, Mandela is sum i Fond pay 800 million Rand, since then f BEE (Black Economic Empowerment): this Trust supported the FF, Black empowerment supports about 20 "white", all applications rejected by a project in AT, except parties; Funds in S Africa supported;
Scientific analysis DDr. Zips i emotional: Txt Chief Exe Erasmus' son Bico: Letter to Bico - first born son, world blessed with man and women, heroes and legends, Mahatma, Tutu, Nerieri, Johnson, M Luther King jun., …a rich collage of individuals, more human face I Africa, 12th Sep 1977, Steve Bico
vinegar & oil