Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Post-blood Donation Menstruation


I request you to send the VOs from 17 January, I was sick again (a huge amount of groan,) and again flu - next year I let myself vaccinated and determined not to forget ...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mount And Blade Performance Settings

not only for legal questions, but also for legitimacy: What should the position be? = Legitimacy; question i d Sozkritik Great;

Alternative Nobel Prize 9th December 2005 Messenger page 6: Jakob v Uexkuell > Legal Anthropology: sys forms d enslavement u dictation d Designed by crit-oriented Scientific correct orientation u,> discourse i another ethical than d discourse i NGOs Zivilgesellsch <> theoretical scale f succeed od miss ling border Practice links with the concept of justice; procedures: handling d "theoretical weapon" is often sharper than with ethical standards; Photo: dead fish i Amazonia, chemical accidents
criticism of conditions: Ecology u Economy> Rechtsanthro asks for specific procedures and practices, id participate in all affected include procedural Questions - Justice u legitimacy in the form v consent;

Important terms
• legality
• Volkssouveraenitaet
• democratic theory
• Procedural reconstruction
• Practice / actors: Perspective, d to d action AREA OF Why is it z a best practice? Communication theory;
• Rule of Law / Rule of Law: best i community governed law, not individuals, d highest institutions CTRL and thus d implementation d right CTRL; aspects d Rule of Law I, more precisely, incongruities
• customs: prolonged exercise u sense of justice> in AT eg: a very long time existing i sense of justice, which "belongs to", and sense of justice (opinio iuris), in AT room f customary law very closely in the continental european Rechtsverstaendnis, very imprecise u suggest something that does not exist, namely a static law, as in the Austrian law ; so-called customary law is changed permanently outside Europe: daily affair, rather something dynamic essence, tradition: AT = lasts forever, rather negative, not dynamic; Anthro = permanent transfer so u changed permanently; traditional wants very much Weiterggbns Change customer

Praxeological legal history
praxeology: question of how? As i happens in practice? Zb Maroons, Volume 1: Praxeological legal history, what i would, for example Aben (g)? Convey speaks a language, info, danger, quasi Kotoko where beka me: Legal Transfer v West Africa (Akan) id Caribbean (Maroons) = legal community of the Gesellsch W i - u Africa Caribbean, How it possible i, d law constituted? A: habitus; servitude: man inside i d fall back inland plantations to the known, dynamic, not replica, but is based on Terms of u soz habit, although physically completely naked;
Kotoko where beka me : pacifism in defense readiness Azante: produce PRINCIPLE, peacefulness, but ready to Verteidigng, not every government functions according to Constitution - Ideal as a measure f soz reality: crit reconstruct scale, ideals
porcupine ". Kaempfe v your death, if this is unavoidable" or "at the position of the spines can be read off the fight." Pp 18, 19 Volume 1: Reference collective memory;

Historical Anthropology and History:
discovery of concealment = history history adjusted i understanding, ethno-u € centric, va rationality covered: laws u rules have been adjusted with the "noble savage" or "man-eaters" that involve therefore always historical perspective: Question d genesis d law u as it developed habit: in the pattern, d to see action are, therefore, observe practice, Zusammgehoerigkeit / ethnicity, structural changes, spawning v history, DIY v History: engendering, aspect: engendering green men, therefore, receives a further perspective;

Historical reconstruction: the culture of origin Include - Afrikan so f Vorstellngn Maroons also important, so i go back HABITUS, the structure criteria, not the form of criteria: stripped, humiliated, abused - i go back habitus steps!

peace treaty
• difference betw contract ($ text) and ratification of the Law of 12 May 1739, vol 1: pp. 241-279; eg Kyoto Protocol: many signatories have not adopted as law, domestically thus not ratified Vertragstxtxe often different ratification Legislation! eg USA: territories i ratification laws falsified by preamble! = Changed legalistic context by Preamble, Maroons also like: •
Gesetzestxte as narration: so called articles of pacification (Bd 1, 241 ff): "pacification" in contract, tore diskurstheor i DDr. Zips book ratio d Unterordng, sovereignty d KoloMacht, PostKoloMacht (= superpowers);
• submission agreement is to be euphemistically glossed consonant to reason (Maroons had brought about good results);
• significance of blood treaties: Voluntary u indistinguishability, equivalence;
• dishonesty many Koloregierungen: spurious v Legitmitaet
Peace Treaty : territorial sovereignty: Country / Area self-administered, power of jurisdiction: a voice, judizieren, political self-determination: u law policy can not be separated, as they are i Beziehng each other? Field / field concept: symbolic capital gain Beziehngsverhaeltnis zw things: participation, Distribution and field in Bez to others;
• porcupine GB: If you are the big tree ...

Brazil, Surinam, USA, Mexico, etc. Maroongesellsch: Image> Resistance Kolomacht gg, Jose Nadi / Cuba;
Peace Caves : still bottle of rum as a sacrifice for Kojo
Abeng / Bugle : legal community - communication over periods of time, ancestors to GesellschaftsgruenderIn to: Mother d Koenigs - Abeng symbolizes source d Terms of Community,
Mango Tree: Council of d elders

Kromanti Law
• Law hold As i ruled this long period indeed? > Resources d legitimation i strukturgeschichtl See zw Akan u Maroons:
Asetenakese = D large-together d Asante: Evidence for discursive unification u design processes
Aman mmu and aman bre - unumstaessliches and mutable law at the Asante; amman mmu : ggbn given right around 1700 v a priest, 77 Gestze f Zusammgehoerigkeit d Asante; amman bre = veraenderl right
• Unveraenderl u normalizable aspects d 'Maroonrechts "were principle d legal community, circa 1700> as many as slaves, integrity d gemeinschaftl Land Law also Maroons unveraenderl law: land law commonality d u that right i invulnerable; land containing bones of the ancestors: loss d awareness u existence, when d land is sold, rain forest: collecting, planting, symbolic geography of certain places: Relationship to Rechtsgesch d Maroons> pp 47-130, 140