Saturday, August 30, 2008

Richdel 1 Inch Sprinkler Valve Parts

Windows files with password manager RoboCopy

Each knows: In this day and age, in the (huge) hard drives are relatively inexpensive, it is increasingly difficult to back up important data. We are talking about (automatic) backups.

Since the I have used the program Total Commander , the synchronization function really very good (ie clean, fast and reliable) is. Since I must synchronize multiple directories (eg My Documents folder recovery), I must in each case the source and destination directory manually select, then start the synchronization, etc.

The integrated program in Windows Vista RoboCopy that with the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools also for other Windows systems available, is finally a release brings to the problem.

RoboCopy (Robust File Copy) is a command line program which can be configured with numerous parameters accurately. There is also a graphical interface (Microsoft) for the program: Robocopy GUI.

I am referring only to itself RoboCopy But I wrote the following script. If you run this script, so 2 directories are completely synchronized (Mirror).

 @ echo off echo Starting backup 
set Quelle01 = "E: \\ Data \\ My Documents
set Ziel01 =" C: \\ data \\ Backups \\ My Documents
set Quelle02 = "E: \\ Data \\ Recovery
set Ziel02 =" C: \\ data \\ Backups \\ Recovery
set logfile = "c: \\ robo_log.txt"
cd C: \\ Program Files \\ Windows Resource Kits \\ Tools
echo fuse 1: My Documents
Quelle01 robocopy%%%% Ziel01 / MIR / R: 10 / W: 10 / V /
XD / XD "thumbs.db" / COPY "svn." DAT / LOG:% logfile %> NUL echo
fuse 1: My Documents - done
echo fuse 2: Recovery
Quelle02 robocopy%%%% Ziel02 / MIR / R: 10 / W: 10 / V /
XD / XD "thumbs.db" / COPY "svn." DAT / LOG +:% logfile% > NUL echo
fuse 2: Recovery - done
echo finished backup.

the script in detail, a brief guide:

first Create variables for the source and destination directories, and log file:
 set Quelle01 = "E: \\ Data \\ My Documents 
set Ziel01 =" C: \\ data \\ Backups \\ My Documents
set Quelle02 = "E : \\ Data \\ Recovery
set Ziel02 = "C: \\ data \\ Backups \\ Recovery
set logfile =" c: \\ robo_log.txt "

second Navigation to the directory in which there is Robocopy.exe (not necessary if PATH variable adapted from Windows):
cd C: \\ Program Files \\ Windows Resource Kits \\ Tools

third First Directory Synchronize
 Quelle01 robocopy%%%% Ziel01 / MIR / R: 10 / W: 10 / V / 
XD / XD "thumbs.db" / COPY "svn." DAT / LOG:% logfile% > NUL

4th Second directory syncing with your computer:
 Quelle02 robocopy%%%% Ziel02 / MIR / R: 10 / W: 10 / V / 
XD / XD "thumbs.db" / COPY "svn." DAT / LOG +:% logfile% > NUL

The switch briefly explains
 / MIR - Mirror Function (Delete Date / folders in source to the target nachvollz.) 
/ R: 10 / W: 10 - try [R] once again for [W] seconds
/ V - verbose output
/ XD "svn." - all directories named ". svn" disregard
/ XF "thumbs.db" - all files named "thumbs.db" ignore
/ COPY : DAT - file content, attributes and timestamps copy
/ LOG:% logfile% - Create a log file (if any:) Replace
/ LOG +:% logfile% - Create a log file (if any: expand)
>> NUL - disable screen output

this script as a *. bat file can be stored and is thus executable by double clicking. In addition, a Windows task to be created to automate the backup.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Who Sels Soloni Suits

toriam> no! was! nyet!

transcript of a theme that still current.

oil on canvas

format: 60 x 50 cm

copyright & right as always when toriam

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Do Up A Double Buckle

toriam> engerlmacher

Hmm, it is now correct: Engerl of Engerlmacher. Or is Engerlmacher?

The object of material collage on wood with oil = 40 x 21 cm and 7 cm malicious.

For all lovers of art and the black humor ... even if this object is mainly white.

Copyright and all rights, as always when toriam